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Personalized voice greetings from Santa Claus


Imagine the excitement and happiness your child will experience when they hear Santa calling them by name and mentioning to them specific things good & bad they've done, what they're wanting for Christmas and areas they still need improvement on. All this in a special voice message direct from Santa himself! Each MP3 message is about a minute in length and is delivered to your email address from the big guy himself! Santa is also available year-round to remind children he knows who is being naughty or nice.
Listen to Santa turn the moment into a memory for Kamryn below.

Santa's message to Kamryn


Santa's message can include:

  • Santa calling your child by name, age and what state you live in
  • Something good they've done (grades, chores, etc)
  • Mention of specific misbehavior (yes...Santa knows)
  • A gift you know Santa is, or is not, bringing
  • Areas of improvement needed (clean room, homework, etc)
Just $10.00 per message. Payable through Paypal. 
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 A voice message can be on the way real soon.....



Parents are saying: "You really made this Christmas special for him", and "She was giggling with her mouth almost to the floor!" The parents of a 10 month old said  "We're burning it to a DVD movie of our baby's first Christmas." Kids are saying: "He was watching" and "How did he know that?".

Burn it to a CD and hang it on the tree!


Make a Christmas Morning Greeting for the family!


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